Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Desperate Housewives : A TV Show series

Desperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama series, created by Marc Cherry, who also serves as show runner, and produced by ABC Studios — The Walt Disney Company's main television studio — and Cherry Productions. Executive producers, as of the upcoming fourth season, are Marc Cherry, Bob Daily, George W. Perkins, John Pardee and Joey Murphy.

As later told by series creator Marc Cherry, the idea of the series was born as he and his mom were watching a news report on Andrea Yates, a mother of five, convicted for drowning her children. While Cherry himself was incapable of understanding what would cause someone to kill their own children, Cherry's mother told him "I've been there". The thought that "a perfectly sane, rational woman could have the life she wanted, being a wife and mother ... and still have moments of insanity" had Cherry's imagination starting, and eventually he had formed an idea of a possible television show, naming it Desperate Housewives.

The next new episode of DH was entitled "Now You Know".

Synopsis: The neighborhood is shocked when news about Edie spreads though Fairview, Lynette battles with the effects of chemotherapy, and a new family moves to Wisteria Lane, on the Season Premiere of Desperate Housewives. This episode is the season three finale.

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